Opportunities in Digital Scholarship

Researching the human experience helps us to understand the world we live in and imagine the future. Groundbreaking digital tools can support the creation of bold new theories, collaboration among researchers, and interdisciplinary work within the social and natural sciences.

Finding the content and means to analyze historical texts—including locally sourced content—is a growing challenge for our customers, their student users, and the research community at large. At Gale, we task ourselves to support libraries as they adapt to new research practices and the possibility of giving new scholarly purpose to long-held primary source collections.

Through the provision of rich historical content and the resources to dissect them in more contextual and scientific ways, Gale seeks to help libraries empower digital scholarship across the humanities and other disciplines. Our goal is to learn, support, and help advance digital scholarship initiatives for our customers.   Download the brochure to learn more about Gale’s support for digital scholarship. 


Why Gale?

Gale is the leading publisher of digital primary sources in the world and already provides the content and infrastructure to support text and data mining. Our partnerships with world-class institutions, coupled with our proprietary methods for digitizing and indexing primary sources, result in unique collections and technologies that support the scholarly research taking place on campuses around the world.

We are committed to ensuring the conservation and preservation of original works as a standard part of our scanning and digitization process—an effort which delivers enormous value to the academic community. Gale also preserves and enhances source material metadata, providing new access points for today’s researchers who require high-quality imagery and robust underlying data to help drive digital scholarship. 


Gale's Digital Scholar Lab

Gale is currently beta testing the Digital Scholar Lab resource with academic institutions around the world. This new research experience provides end-users with access to clean, analysis-ready text content from many sources and access to powerful natural language processing tools from multiple providers.

The diverse content collections and technologies within this environment make the practice of digital scholarship accessible to a broad range of practitioners. From students learning best practices to more technically-skilled scholars applying their own research methods, researchers at any level will appreciate the advantages of this intuitive platform.

Use the Digital Scholar Lab with Gale Primary Sources

The Digital Scholar Lab can analyze any content across our Gale Primary Sources product line.

See the products here