The below essays are provided to introduce users to the material available in this archive, and to explain its importance to the study of the history of Arab-Israeli relations. Each essay contains links that take you straight to the document being referenced (provided your institution has access to this material).
Introduction PDF
Dr Eugene L. Rogan, Middle East Centre, St Anthony's College, University of Oxford
This introduction explains the importance of the British Government files, now in the National Archives, for researching Middle Eastern history, recording the administration of Palestine under the Mandate, the challenges to British governance by Zionism, the Palestine War, 1947-49 and the repercussions of the creation of the state of Israel for the wider Middle East as well as for Britain, as well as the impact of Nasser, the Cold War and the rise of the PLO.
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: 1948–1970 PDF
Dr Charles D. Smith, Formerly of the University of Arizona
This essay examines the conflict through three periods, 1948 to 1957 from the creation of the state of Israel to the Suez crisis and Britain’s humiliation; from 1957 to 1967 and the intra-Arab tensions and strife leading up to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, and from 1968 to 1970 concentrating on the situation in Jordan leading up to the civil war.
The PLO and the Palestinian armed struggle PDF
Yezid Sayigh, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut (Formerly Professor in the Department of War Studies, King's College London)
Yezid Sayigh explains the effect of the Balfour Declaration on the Palestinian Arabs and other Arab governments, the establishment of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah), the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Movement of Arab Nationalists or Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and their struggle to free the Palestinian lands.
Key documents:
Links directly into the product are accessible by clicking the title of the document.
Balfour Declaration: Lord Rothschild’s response to draft LINK or PDF
Balfour Declaration: Chaim Weizmann’s response to draft LINK or PDF
Balfour Declaration: War Cabinet minute discussing and containing text of declaration – 31st October 1917 LINK or PDF
League of Nations: Mandate for Palestine presented to Parliament – December 1922 LINK or PDF
Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry – 20th April, 1946
I. Recommendation and Comment LINK or PDF
II. The Position of the Jews in Europe LINK or PDF
III. The Political Situation in Palestine LINK or PDF
IV. Geography and Economics LINK or PDF
V. The Jewish Attitude LINK or PDF
VI. The Arab Attitude LINK or PDF
VII. Christian Interests in Palestine LINK or PDF
VIII. Jews, Arab and Government LINK or PDF
IX. Public Security LINK or PDF
X. General LINK or PDF
I. Itinerary of Committee LINK or PDF
II. European Jewry - Position in Various Countries LINK or PDF
III. Estimated Jewish Population of Europe LINK or PDF
IV. Palestine: Historical Background LINK or PDF
V. Palestine: Public Security LINK or PDF
VI. The Mandate LINK or PDF
VII. List of Staff LINK or PDF
Resolution 181 of the UN General Assembly The UN Partition Plan for Palestine November 29, 1947 LINK or PDF
Immigration into Palestine - Statement by President Truman, October 4, 1946 LINK or PDF
Proclamation of the Independence of the State of Israel, May 14th, 1948 LINK or PDF
Assassination of Count Bernadotte, 17th September, 1948 LINK or PDF
Resolution 242 of the UN Security Council calling for Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories 22nd November, 1967 LINK or PDF
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The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
The Middle East Studies Association
British Society for Middle East Studies
Pars Times

© Jerry Cooke/CORBIS; JE002247; © Reproduced by the kind permission of the National Archives; © Bettmann/CORBIS; BE023117